Saturday, April 6, 2013

Our Thought = Vibration and Quantum Physics Can Measure It
Quantum physics tells us that nothing is actually solid.  Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating…..and everything on earth is influenced by it.  Plants grow better when exposed to certain musical vibrations.   Sound vibrations affect the form of molecules.  Words, thoughts and music affect the molecular structure of water.  The human body has a biofield of energy running through and around it affecting mental and physical health.

Simply put, Quantum Physics details the vibrating frequencies of things.  Everything on this earth vibrates at certain frequencies, including our thoughts.  Being the emotional creatures that we are, our thoughts with positive emotions vibrate at a different level than our thoughts with negative emotions.  Quantum Physic scientists are now able to measure these different vibrations.

In the realm of Quantum Physics there is a  Law of Attraction, which states:  “Like attracts like.”  This is useful to know when we are trying to make positive changes in our lives.   No matter what the change is, quit smoking, alleviate stress, changing a bad habit, or increasing abundance, we first have to change our thoughts.

Methods for Increasing Our Personal Vibrations From a Quantum Physics Standpoint:

1.  Focus on What You Do Want:
 Since our thoughts create a vibration, if we don’t change our thoughts first, then we will simply keep attracting the old situation.  Hypnotherapy can give you a good jumpstart on releasing the clinging to the old thought pattern.  The Buddhist Tonglen Practices are also good for releasing the clinging to the old.

2.  Eating Alkaline Foods Vs. Acidic Foods:
One can compile a complicated list of what is acidic and what is alkaline.  Keeping it simple, fruits and vegetables are the most alkaline.  If you cook them, then they are less alkaline, but still more alkaline than everything else. Acid forming foods will also speed up aging and cause a decline in your cardiovascular system.  Some of the most acidic are animal products, fried foods, coffee, alcohol, and aspartame found in artificially sweetened drinks.  Eating an alkaline diet only, is extremely uplifting and energizing.  Anyone suffering from anxiety or depression will immediately feel better by drinking raw vegetable juice prepared in a juicer like an Omega or a Champion.