Sunday, December 8, 2013

Three Tips To Achieving Goals More Easily


Eckhart Tolle explains more succinctly than any teacher so far why we don't achieve the goals we set out to achieve and what to do differently to achieve those goals. Go the 40 min and 0 second spot of this video to hear more.
Summary of How We Can Achieve Our Goals More Effectively:

1. The incorrect way to visualize on a goal is to project yourself in the future to it, and feel like you need or want this to complete yourself.
2. Instead of projecting yourself into the future, get in touch with the feeling of what it truly feels like to be an actress, a painter, a corporate executive. Where does this power reside inside you - find it. The mistake is not finding the power that is in the present moment  - for more information on being in the present moment, pls visit:
Whatever goal you have must come from a place of being or consciousness which comes through you out into the world,  instead of reaching out into the world, grasping it, and pulling it in towards you.
3. The goal or vision must be inside you as though it were a reality. Before Eckhat Tolle wrote the world famous book,  "The Power of Now", he had the vision that the book was already written. Had a strong inner feeling that the book was already there. Then had to be open to the energy movement that was already there and letting that energy move wrote the book. Believe that you have already received it. Do not come from lack or scarcity, come from fullness, feel as if you already had it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Formula For Success And Happiness: Go Beyond The Current State of Dissatisfaction


 A New Earth With Eckhart Tolle and Oprah: Video Click Here:

You cannot find happiness by achieving some future goal.  What matters most is to find your inner purpose, which is aligning your life with the present moment. You have to go beyond the current state of dissatisfaction. You enter this moment by becoming one internally with the present moment. You cannot enter it by achieving some future goal. Your inner purpose is to be totally in alignment with where you are and what you are doing by undertaking every activity with complete presence in that moment that you are carrying out that activity.

There is always only, just this one step – the step you are taking right now, so give it your fullest attention. The step you are taking right now is primary and the destination is secondary. What you encounter when you get to your destination depends on the quality of this one step. Whatever you are doing at any given moment – if you give it your best, it leads to the next best moment. This doesn’t mean that you don’t know where you are going.

If there is a dissatisfaction and a denial of the present moment, which is a denial of life because you are not honoring life and because you are not honoring this moment by being open to it, then your future will be full of dissatisfaction and denial. People are living their lives as though the destination is the most important thing.

The unconscious assumption behind all such action is that success is a future event and that the end justifies the means – but the means and the end are one. If the means did not contribute to human happiness then the end will not either. Whatever the end is, it will carry the energy of what it took to get there, or the means.

The true or primary purpose of your life cannot be found on the outer level. It does not concern what you do but what you are, that is to say your state of consciousness. The most important thing to realize is this: Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner purpose concerns being and is primary and outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary.

Finding and living in alignment with your inner purpose is the foundation of fulfilling your outer purpose. It is the basis of true success. Without that alignment you can still achieve things with effort and struggle but there is no joy in such an endeavor and always results in suffering.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Our Thought = Vibration and Quantum Physics Can Measure It
Quantum physics tells us that nothing is actually solid.  Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating…..and everything on earth is influenced by it.  Plants grow better when exposed to certain musical vibrations.   Sound vibrations affect the form of molecules.  Words, thoughts and music affect the molecular structure of water.  The human body has a biofield of energy running through and around it affecting mental and physical health.

Simply put, Quantum Physics details the vibrating frequencies of things.  Everything on this earth vibrates at certain frequencies, including our thoughts.  Being the emotional creatures that we are, our thoughts with positive emotions vibrate at a different level than our thoughts with negative emotions.  Quantum Physic scientists are now able to measure these different vibrations.

In the realm of Quantum Physics there is a  Law of Attraction, which states:  “Like attracts like.”  This is useful to know when we are trying to make positive changes in our lives.   No matter what the change is, quit smoking, alleviate stress, changing a bad habit, or increasing abundance, we first have to change our thoughts.

Methods for Increasing Our Personal Vibrations From a Quantum Physics Standpoint:

1.  Focus on What You Do Want:
 Since our thoughts create a vibration, if we don’t change our thoughts first, then we will simply keep attracting the old situation.  Hypnotherapy can give you a good jumpstart on releasing the clinging to the old thought pattern.  The Buddhist Tonglen Practices are also good for releasing the clinging to the old.

2.  Eating Alkaline Foods Vs. Acidic Foods:
One can compile a complicated list of what is acidic and what is alkaline.  Keeping it simple, fruits and vegetables are the most alkaline.  If you cook them, then they are less alkaline, but still more alkaline than everything else. Acid forming foods will also speed up aging and cause a decline in your cardiovascular system.  Some of the most acidic are animal products, fried foods, coffee, alcohol, and aspartame found in artificially sweetened drinks.  Eating an alkaline diet only, is extremely uplifting and energizing.  Anyone suffering from anxiety or depression will immediately feel better by drinking raw vegetable juice prepared in a juicer like an Omega or a Champion.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Primary Cause of Drama and Illness in Our Lives & How To Avoid It

The culprint here is the ego. This is not necessarily the same ego that gets puffed up by hitting the winning field goal in a football game, but more a sense of letting the mind run rampant in its negative patterns, as it trounces over our well being and the well being of others.

Eckhart Tolle, currently the world's most highly regarded philosopher and spiritual teacher, describes the ego as follows in a concise and meaningful way: "Most of the so-called bad things that happen in people's lives are due to unconsciousness. They are self-created, or rather ego-created. I sometimes refer to those things as 'drama'. When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore. Let me remind you briefly how the ego operates and how it creates drama. Ego is the unobserved mind that runs your life when you are not present as the witnessing consciousness, the watcher. The ego perceives itself as a separate fragment in a hostile universe, with no real inner connection to any other being, surrounded by other egos which it either sees as a potential threat or which it will attempt to use for its own ends. The basic ego patterns are designed to combat its own deep-seated fear and sense of lack. They are resistance, control, power, greed, defense, attack. Some of the ego's strategies are extremely clever, yet they never truly solve any of its problems, simply because the ego itself is the problem.......Furthermore, many types of illnesses are caused by the ego's continuous resistance, which creates restrictions and blockages in the flow of energy through the body. When you reconnect with Being and are no longer run by your mind, you cease to create those things. You do not create or participate in drama anymore." 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle available on Amazon.
More simply and directly stated......the mind loves to create dramas because dramas feed the pain body and the ego will disappear if the pain body is not fed. The ego wants to stay alive, so it supports all of the miscreation of the mind.

1. Be aware of the above dynamic
2. Allow yourself to simply watch the mind as it does its dance - in the same way perhaps that you would watch a child in playing in a sandbox that has a burst of a need to throw the bucket and shovel around and play inappropriately for some unexplained reason. You remain vigilant to the physical safety of the child, but apart from him, unattached, watching the unwinding, not interceding unless safety becomes an issue.
3. Use hypnosis, The Release Method, Law of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Techniques to both release the resistance on the issue at hand draw to you circumstances without drama, and to program the mind towards serene and pleasant circumstances. See the Terms section of my website